Can someone please explain to me why everyone in the Chicago BD/SM scene is vegan?
They sure like those disgusting vegan cupcakes, though. Syreeta makes hers using a depression era recipe from the bad old days when people couldn't get actual animal products.
Gordon Ramsay's Street Burger
3 weeks ago
Just another form of control and self-denial? My question: why are so many vegans smokers?
Ummm.....doesn't BD/SM usually involve leather? Do they use pleather or is the veganism only limited to what they eat/drink?
Can you imagine being restrained and having to fart? Not fun.
I am now imagining a dungeon full of vegan farts. Ewwwww
Smoking and eating protein are both ways to raise your blood sugar. Cut out the protein (meat, eggs, dairy), and you are going to have a jones for anything that will give you that boost. Sounds like a recipe for misery, nutrient deficient by being vegan, and the cigarettes actually rob more nutrients from you body, I bet the vegan smokers aren't a happy bunch.
there are many great animal-less ways to get plenty of healthy protein (beans, soy, nuts)...sorry to point out the obvious, but it must be said that vegan diet doesn't necessarily = low protein. maybe some of those SM vegans dig the farts!??
I have a chart that breaks down the amino acid content of two eggs versus a cup each of beans and rice. Don't make me pull it out...
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